With the end of the year approaching fast, it’s the perfect time to make a new year’s resolution. This year, instead of diet fads or gaudy purchases, make a commitment to helping those affected by disabilities. Not only can you improve their quality of life but you can also ensure that no child or adult ever gets left behind.
How to Help Friends With Disabilities
Become a Respite Provider
Showing your support for those affected by disabilities does not have to be costly. Becoming a respite provider is one of the most powerful aids to the families of those with limited mobility. These caretakers assist the family in attending appointments as well as in managing day-to-day tasks. There is no special training or certification required to become a respite provider, but you do need to be 18 years or older, have a social security card and live outside the caregiver’s home. Additional skills such as CPR and first aid are also useful.
If time is too limited to become a respite provider, you can assist families by taking the steps to help fundraise for your favorite non-profit organizations. Most of charitable nonprofits rely upon the generosity of donors for all or some of their funding, making it an activity of major importance. To help, select an organization that is close to your heart such as Friends of Disabled Adults and Children or the United Spinal Association. Not only can you contribute a donation, you can also spread awareness to the cause by advocating on social media or sponsoring events with proceeds benefiting the charity. This helps raise valuable funds for research and gets more people involved to help further your efforts.
Join the Fight
For people affected by limited mobility, Medicare provides vital payment assistance. However, the new year may bring serious complications to those that rely on this service. Planned cuts to the program could impact critical components and accessories used by Complex Rehab wheelchair systems. These accessories are needed by people with significate disabilities such as ALS, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury. To help fight for this crucial issue and ensure individuals get access to affordable equipment and care, email or call your Senators to show your support. For families affected by disabilities, every day can be a fight. However, by providing crucial support, you can be the difference.
At EZ-ACCESS, we understand the struggle. That’s why we are committed to providing the best possible products for individuals with limited mobility. Contact our team today to learn more about the services we provide.