Picture of Stephanie D.

Culture and Faith: Get to Know Stephanie D.

For more than 15 years, Stephanie has been an integral part of the EZ-ACCESS® Customer Service team. Starting as a Customer Service rep, she credits the company culture and the positive team environment for staying with one company for that long. “No workplace is perfect, and we all go through those ups and downs. I have been very fortunate with the team that I work with and the leadership that I had guiding me to the position that I currently have,” she says.

Stephanie has felt supported by her EZ-ACCESS family even during difficult times. When encountering a major struggle several years ago, both her leadership and HR offered her the support needed and the time necessary to address the issue. It was through their care and determination that Stephanie was able to continue being a part of EZ-ACCESS because they saw her as a person and not as just an employee.

Stephanie is a laid-back person who keeps her cool, sitting back and observing by nature. However, she has grown through the encouragement of her colleagues. Her evolution from Customer Service Rep I to Customer Service Rep III over the last 15 years includes her growth as a person. Stephanie says, “It was through the encouragement and the constant faith in my abilities, or I would not be who I am now. I walk and talk more with confidence about who I am and what I can do.”

As a long-time employee, Stephanie has seen the changes the company has made to stay at the top of the industry ahead of market trends. “EZ-ACCESS has always continued to evaluate what they are doing to make sure that it's still relevant. They had to make hard changes in order to stay current,” she says.

Some of her favorite memories with the company are when they’ve gotten together as a company to have a water balloon fight, work in groups on wellness challenges, or celebrate Customer Service Week. Stephanie has many great memories that have made her experience truly worth it.

She is a firm believer in embracing the moment, those around you, and the culture of EZ-ACCESS. Stephanie loves the company culture and the leadership’s care for each of their departments. Like many at EZ-ACCESS, she recognizes that this business makes you feel more than just an employee; you feel like family through their integrity, kindness, and belief in God. “Their belief in God and that they showcase their belief is what makes them successful. With God, anything is possible.”

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