Best Safety Tips for the Family Caregiver

Best Safety Tips for the Family Caregiver

Being a caregiver is no easy feat. With 65 million Americans acting as caregivers each year, we at EZ-ACCESS want to make that task easier for the dedicated individuals who hold that title. This National Safety Month, we’d like to provide some helpful tips and tricks on how to care for your loved ones while also taking care of yourself.

Make Minor Adjustments to Your Home

FOR THEM: Safety is your number one priority. Make sure your home is de-cluttered, and all hallways or passages are well lit both day and night. Consider removing any unnecessary rugs to avoid potential trip hazards.

FOR YOU: Add baby monitors to both your room and the room of the person you’re caring for. This can help maintain supervision even when you’re apart.

Treat Each Other with Kindness

FOR THEM: Patience is a virtue – that is no joke. No matter the situation remember to breathe and approach the matter with a clear head. Not only will you communicate better, but by maintaining a level of respect between you and the person you’re caring for, you restore some familiarity in their now more dependent lifestyle.

FOR YOU: Caring for another person day-in and day-out is stressful and labor intensive work. Be sure to take time each day for yourself, to read, relax or just get away for an hour or two.

Have a System

FOR THEM: If the loved one you’re caring for is fighting dementia or other neurological diseases, they may forget or refuse to take their daily medications. Make sure all medication is labeled properly, and separated within an organized weekly pill box.

FOR YOU: Structure your days with designated times for meals, bathing, and naps. By adding some routine into your days you can provide some consistency and familiarity to you both.

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