Planning for the New Year: Why Making Your Business More Handicap Accessible Should Be Top of the List! - EZ-ACCESS

Planning for the New Year: Why Making Your Business More Handicap Accessible Should Be Top of the List!

The New Year is almost here and what an exciting time to make some changes for the betterment of yourself and/or your business! If you’re looking to make your business more accessibility-friendly, we have a few products and tips that can help you out with this New Year’s Resolution!

Resolution No. 1

Evaluate Your Entrances:

Taking a look at your entrances is a great starting point to determine what kind of accessibility solutions will be required. Are there stairs that can prevent someone from getting to your door? Is there enough space for a wheelchair to maneuver its way to the door and through the doorway? Is there a slope that’s too steep for someone to get up? These are all great questions to ask yourself.

Achieving Resolution No. 1:

With a few simple products like the PATHWAY® HD Code Compliant Modular Access System, you can provide a seamless entry point for your customers. This system is low maintenance so it doesn’t have to be another worry while you run your business or welcome customers.

Resolution No. 2

Take a look at your door:

While opening a door may be a simple task for many, it’s important to consider the weight of the door and how easy it would be to open for someone using a wheelchair. One more thing to look at is the doorway threshold. Is it a significant height? Would it be a struggle for a wheelchair, scooter, or walker to navigate the threshold?

Achieving Resolution No. 2:

Adding one of our TRANSITIONS® entry mats can eliminate those tricky thresholds and help prevent the potential trip hazard they may pose. Designed to be slip-resistant and easy to match up to your threshold, installing these mats should be no hassle at all. They blend so well, you’ll barely notice they’re there!

We understand that making your business completely accessible can seem like an overwhelming task while running your business, but with these few improvements, you’ll be marking resolutions off your list left and right. Cheers to a New Year and let us help you create a plan for improved accessibility!

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