Give Your Parents the Gift of Accessibility This Holiday Season - EZ-ACCESS

Give Your Parents the Gift of Accessibility This Holiday Season

The holidays are a great opportunity to show loved ones that we care. Whether a gift is practical or sentimental, it’s our chance to let them know that we’re thinking of them. If your parents, or other loved ones, have issues with mobility, consider gifting them with an accessibility solution this holiday season. You can make it one epic surprise from you, or ask others to chip in to cover the expense!

Not sure which access solution to buy for them? Here are a few common complaints we hear from individuals with mobility issues, and the solutions to address them:

Getting out the Front Door

A sense of independence often directly impacts a person’s emotional wellbeing. We enjoy knowing that we can leave the house to provide for ourselves. Even running simple errands like picking up prescriptions, or putting gas in the car, gives individuals a sense of freedom. If your loved ones struggle to get out of the front door, they aren’t receiving the independence they crave. Consider installing either a GATEWAY™ Solid Surface Portable Ramp or a PATHWAY® 3G Modular Access System, which offers a more robust solution than a portable ramp.

Bathroom Slips and Falls

As people age, their strength tends to decline. One of the first signs that a person needs mobility assistance is a lack of core strength. This affects an individual’s balance, as well as their ability to sit down and stand up. If your loved one needs assistance to sit down or get up from a chair, there’s a good chance they’re having the same problem when it comes to getting on and off the toilet. The bathroom is already the most dangerous place in the house, due to its slick surfaces. Combine that with mobility issues, and your loved one’s risk for a fall increases. Consider purchasing bathroom accessibility solutions to help prevent hazardous falls.

Inability to Carry Objects Around the House

If your parents or loved ones use a walker or wheelchair, it’s likely that their hands are pretty full as they walk around. It can be frustrating if an individual must always ask for assistance carrying objects like a water bottle or newspaper. Mobility accessories are an easy way for them to regain their independence. They just need to use a pack designed to hang on the side of their chair or walker, allowing them to easily transport small items with them wherever they go.

As we said, independence is often an essential piece to positive emotional health. Give your parents the gift of accessibility this holiday season with any of the products above, or check out our countless other solutions.

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