Metal wheelchair ramp outside of a home

How Can I Get My Aging Parents the Accessibility Solutions They Need?

Living far away from family comes with the struggle of making sure they’re cared for, safe, and thriving. As we get older, we begin to worry about our parents’ health and mobility. When you’re states or even countries away, you can’t be there to help them get around the house or install accessibility equipment. You may have the recurring nightmare of a parent falling when trying to get up the steps into the house, or you worry about the step down from the living room to the kitchen. EZ-ACCESS is happy to tell you that even from afar, you’re able to help make your parents’ home safe with accessibility solutions that can allow your aging loved ones to live independently.

Creating Points of Accessibilty for Aging Family

How to Help With Aging Parents Who Live Far Away

Start by discussing your concerns with your parents. Let them know what worries you have and that you’d like to help keep them safe so they can continue living in their current home. They likely have some of the same concerns and will appreciate knowing you want to make things easier for them. 

The first thing you’ll want to know is what kinds of barriers or mobility issues your parents may be having. If your parents are the type to tough it out so that they don’t worry you, it may not be clear where those problem areas are. If you’re familiar with the home, consider any potential hazards like front steps, unlevel rooms, and doorway thresholds that could pose fall risks. Low toilets can be problematic to get off of without rails or adaptive equipment, and throw rugs can create a tripping hazard. As you take an imaginary tour through the house, consider if anything could be a problem to someone whose strength or balance is off or who is using a device like a walker. If you aren’t familiar with the layout, ask your parents about it; are there any problem spots where they have trouble getting around? Do they get caught on uneven doorways or steps? Having a good idea of the areas of concern will give you a way to find solutions for those specific problems. 

What Are Some Ways to Improve Access Around My Parents’ Home?

Once you know where the potential problems are, you can start addressing them. One of the most common barriers is entryway steps. A lack of strength and balance makes navigating these tiring. If your parents use a walker, stairs can be extremely unsafe. Wheelchairs also make it unsafe and virtually impossible to get up or down stairs. Even if your parents don’t leave the house often, they may at least go to appointments, grab the mail, and run errands if they don’t have a caregiver doing so. 

In the event of an emergency, they need a safe way to get out of the house. The PATHWAY® 3G Modular Access System is a great solution to turn problematic stairs into an easily navigable area. The ramp’s gentle incline is easier to walk up and down than stairs, and it provides a smooth pathway for wheelchairs. The slip-resistant surface is ideal for inclement weather like rain or snow that would otherwise be a potential fall risk. Since it’s a modular product, its configuration can be customized to meet the unique needs of each home. 

Some front doors have a raised ridge or lip if the porch is slightly lower than the doorway and floor of the house. While the change in height may only be a couple of inches, that is all it takes to trip someone or prevent a wheelchair from getting by. The TRANSITIONS® Angled Entry Ramp creates a smooth grade between the two, eliminating the potential problem. The adjustable legs on the entry ramp allow it to be customized for uneven spaces so that it stays securely on the ground. If there is just a small lip in the doorway, a quick and easy solution may be the TRANSITIONS Angled Entry Plate. This transition plate is simple to set up since it’s a single piece without any adjustment required. The straightforward placement takes just a moment for a huge improvement in accessibility. 

Inside the house, there may be doorways between rooms that aren’t quite level. If the living room is slightly lower compared to the hall or kitchen, having something to make the height change more gradual can make the space safer. The TRANSITIONS Angled Entry Mat creates a smooth grade between the two, eliminating the potential problem. The dense rubber helps provide grip and gives the weight needed to keep the mat from sliding out of place. It also makes it easier for wheelchairs because it reduces the lip, which can be tough to push yourself over. Even if your parents are not using mobility devices at the moment, products like these create a prepared space in case that day ever comes, without you needing to scramble from far away at the last minute. 

Bathrooms are another space where helpful equipment can make the difference between aging in place or having to leave the home. We take for granted the ability to get up and down from seated positions, and toilets are a common problem. No one wants to require help in the bathroom, regardless of age. The TILT® Toilet Incline Lift helps your loved one stand up without needing someone to help them. This solution helps your parents protect their modesty and remain independent with activities of daily living. Toileting is an unavoidable task, and having the ability to handle it solo will go a long way toward your parents' quality of life. 

How to Get Access Solutions to Your Parents

Helping you select the right products and getting them in place is where EZ-ACCESS surpasses other companies. Our dedicated team is based here in the United States and can help ensure you get the right products to your parents’ home. When you get in touch with our team, we’ll help you select the best ramps, mats, and other mobility solutions that will keep your parents safe in their home. With so many to choose from and so many unique house layouts or features that impact your choice, our team will be there to help you care for your family just like we would our own. 

We will help you place the order and even connect you with local dealers to help get the product installed. You can also find a dealer local to your parents through our convenient dealer search and even order products online from a trusted partner! EZ-ACCESS is here to help with aging parents no matter how far away you might be. For items like the TRANSITIONS Angled Entry Plate that your parents or a nearby friend may set up, our retailer partners generally ship anywhere within the continental US, though this can vary. 

No matter what products you select, you can feel confident they will hold up to the job. We use only the best materials that are durable, sturdy, and ready for high-traffic use. Your parents won’t be stuck maintaining and repairing their access solutions, and you don’t have to worry about something falling apart when you can’t be there to fix it. The EZ-ACCESS Lifetime Warranty that comes with most of our residential access products is another layer of comfort in knowing your parents are getting only the best equipment around. 

Give Your Loved Ones Greater Access

We all want to age gracefully and be able to stay in the home we love. We deserve to live our lives in the environment where we are most comfortable while still feeling safe. Help your aging parents continue to thrive in the home they want to be in instead of having to move to an assisted living facility. Take advantage of the EZ-ACCESS® team’s expertise to come up with a plan for making their home accessible. From transition plates to extensive customized ramps, we’ll help tailor the solution to their space. Even when you can’t be physically present, you can still be there for your family by helping them get equipment that keeps them safe.

The Importance of Accessible Design in Today’s World

Replacing a Wood Ramp With EZ-ACCESS® Aluminum Solutions