At EZ-ACCESS, we’re always seeking to evolve.
Our longtime customers and partners are well aware of the growth in product diversity, logistics, and team structure. However, one major part of our company that gets much less visibility is our company culture. So today, we are drawing back the curtains and letting you in on the key elements that make up our unique culture here at EZ-ACCESS and allow us to work together to serve our customers well.

Guiding Principles
Our foundational core Principles, Mission, Vision, and Values have been deep-rooted in our company since the start and guide us in every decision that we make. Each day can bring a new experience that may require making a difficult or strategic decision, and every teammate at EZ-ACCESS relies upon these standards to remove any uncertainty.

Theme of the Year
On top of our established guiding principles, each year, we pick a new annual theme which spans across every department at EZ-ACCESS. This theme guides us throughout the year as we work as an entire company to strengthen a specific area. The theme for 2019 is ETA: Easy. Timely. Accurate. For our team, this theme will apply to our objective of meeting or exceeding customers’ expectations for a quality product and service that is easy to order/setup, delivered in a timely fashion, and is accurate to what is ordered.
And we don’t just send out the theme in an email on January 1st. If you visit the EZ-ACCESS corporate office in Algona, Washington, you’ll see our theme on posters hung around the buildings that make up our campus. You’ll also see our theme show up in our internal newsletter, discussed amongst our teams, and on a variety of desk materials to provide a daily reminder to us all.

Health and Wellness
Wellness is another large part of our culture. A few years back, we developed the Health and Wellness Committee to keep our employees focused on their own health and safety. Through the hard work of this committee, everyone at EZ-ACCESS enjoys a weekly health focus that is promoted in fun ways such as a balloon drop. This serves as reminder and educational tool for the weekly focus, as a set of balloons gets delivered to each department with a relevant message on each one.

Community Outreach
In addition to our focus internally, we devote a great deal of time to community outreach. We determine early in the year which community events align with our values and commit to supporting those events through fundraisers and volunteer time. From blood drives to Thank You Thursdays, which focus on our nation’s veterans, our employees dive in to get involved. To add another layer of fun, we recognize those who participate in these community outreach events with custom lapel pins and a fun competition to earn all the pins offered throughout the year.
So there you have it!
The secret sauce to our positive company culture at EZ-ACCESS.
There’s no doubt our culture has a major impact on the easy, timely, and accurate delivery of service in every area of EZ-ACCESS on a daily basis. We hope this information offers you inspiration to further develop the company culture at your workplace, or seek an employer with a strong, impactful culture.